Hi friends. In this article we will show to you how to make mini DIY garden in your home. You could do that by planting flowers in your tea cups, of coffee mugs. So, next time think twice when you will decide to get rid of the old kitchen stuff.
I invite you to see 15 tiny and lovely DIY garden in a coffee mug. Stay with us to the end of this article to find out the best ideas, that are do it yourself.
In this image you will have the chance to see violet flowers planted in a coffee mug. This is amazing idea that I will try for my house.

Make succulent garden in cute and small cup. Incredible idea that you must save on your desktop.

Make spring time under the glass!!!

This craft could give your garden place modern look.

Reuse the old cup in a smart way. Why not?

Perfect idea for you and your family members. Spend some time together and do this.

Don’t be dubious about this. You could do it!

Beatify your outdoor steps by using this idea.

Reuse the old white cups. Fill it with nature and life.

Flower pot finger print! Do it yourself!

Rosemary, Basil, German thyme, parsley.

Organize the succulent in a smart way, save space.

Make this for your outdoor place. Follow the link below the image.

Great and last idea for this day. thanks for following us. I want to wish you to have a nice day and nice end of the week. Thanks for your attention.