Hi people. This blog would help you with the decor of your house walls. I thought that gallery wall is old-fashioned but actually it’s not. Perfect idea for giving new life to the old mundane and boring walls. Your walls could be the best part of the decor. You could live in a very modern designed house.
See our images and find inspiration for your house walls. Scroll down to see 12 shocking ideas to create nice looking gallery wall! Share these ideas with your familiar and friends.
1.Tree shaped gallery wall that you are going to love;
I love the idea, what about you?

2. Travel brochures on your house walls;
Nice, anti stress picture that you need in your house.

3. Reuse the old pallet for creating a gallery house wall;
Hang the images that you love the most by using pallet wood.

4. Leave place on your house walls for adding some pictures of your family;
Family is the most important thing of all.

5. Create another family wall by adding picture frames with the best images;
Reuse the window frames for creating gallery wall.

6. Frame to frame, lovely gallery wall that you could dream for;
Very nice ideas for any living area.

7. Black and white gallery wall from the ceiling to the floor;
Cover the whole wall with pictures in black and white.

8. DIY pallet usage for creating a gallery wall;
Be smart and use pallet for your home.

9. Gallery wall in the dining room;
Have fun with your family.

10. Use the wall above the stairs and create nice looking wall;
Add picture frames in different sizes and shapes.

11. This is what you need in your home;
I love the following image.

12. Portrait house wall;
This is the last idea for today. Thanks for following us, have a nice rest of the day.