Outdoor structures, from pergolas to outdoor fireplaces and trellises, can completely transform the look of a deck or patio and turn a seldom used space into a stylish outdoor space. If you need some inspiration how to include them in your outdoor design, take a look at the following 10 imaginative outdoor structures that add visual interest and are absolutely adorable and perfectly defined spots for gathering and enjoying spending time outdoors.
The pergola here provides structure over the back patio, while the deck acts as an outdoor hallway. It is completed with a fireplace and decorated with flowers and shrubs.

You can opt for multiple structures that provide shady, gathering spots on hot days. The structures are mainly wooden and you can transform them in a seating area and also an outdoor kitchen that will serve well for preparing and organizing family meals and diners.

This patio with beautiful flowers that spill over the fieldstone walls are beautiful decoration in spring and summer months, but here is also a built-in fire pit for the cooler months.

The wooden pergola with screens is always a good option for outdoors, especially for the hot days because it provides shade and protection from the sun.

Here the stone fireplace is the eye-catching structure and the focal point in this backyard. It is flanked with large flower-filled urns that help to visually cool the area and make it more comfortable.

This is another similar example that includes a fireplace that warms up the atmosphere under the wooden pergola.

No matter if you include a fireplace or keep the design and decoration as simple as possible by adding only the necessary furniture elements as chairs, sofa and table, the pergola will still add that unique charm to your outdoor seating area and will make you enjoy outdoors protected from the sun.

A simple trellis can make your garden attractive and unique. Make one for your climbing flowers and create a natural fence for your backyard.