Hi beautiful friends. It’s time to talk about something useful in our homes. It’s time to make something that we would like to have in the room, but without spening money. Home is the place where we could rest and feel comfortable and being in a good mood. We could create something that we could admire and love. We could make a platform bed and to sleep and rest whatever we want to. Use our ideas and your free extra time for doing some platform bed. In the following images you could see 13 useful ideas on how to build platform bed in your home that will amaze you. Don’t wait anymore, do something that you will love it. I am sure that our ideas could inspire you for making storage bed in your home.
1. Diy storage platform bed with stepping that you could have;

2. Diy storage platform bed for your kids sleeping room;

3. Diy white platform bed in teens room;

4. Diy platform bed for student’s room;

5. Diy platform bed for any type of kids or adults;

6. Save space in your bedroom by making platform bed by yourself;

7. Chic storage bed that you are going to love;
I must admit that this one is.my favorite bed.

8. Save space in kids room by making a storage bed for your kid;

9. Organize your books in a storage bed platform;

10. Scandinavian style storage bed;

11. Diy pallete platform bed for bedroom place;

12. The best platform bed storage ideas;

13. The best do it yourslef platfork storage bed for your home.
This is the last idea for today. Thanks for your attention.